The 4Ws


Why are you starting this blog?

Well…. in exactly 2 months I’ll be on a plane heading to Belgium. Once in Belgium, I’ll be enrolled as a full time student and get the opportunity to experience what life is like for a 20 something in Europe for a FULL year. I’m mainly writing this blog for myself so that I’ll remember it all. However, I’m extremely doubtful that I’ll actually stick with the blog, so don’t be surprised if I suddenly stop posting mid-November. I’ll probably be doing a million other fun things and won’t have the time or patience to sit down and write a lengthy blog post.

What are you truly nervous about?

Many people have asked me, aren’t you nervous to be away from home for a full year? To be honest, being homesick is not at the top of my list of worries. By being away at college for two years, I’ve noticed that things don’t change THAT much in year. I’m almost hundred percent positive that it will be ME that changes the most, not home. How I could embark on this journey and NOT change as a person?

OK yes I’ll admit, I’ll definitely experience the typical FOMO at times. However, I’m sure i’ll quickly remind myself that this experience is DEFINITELY worth missing a year of university in the US. I still have senior year, right?

Overall, adjustment to the the culture,  actually being able to AFFORD my year in Belgium/Europe, and just being an effective traveler hold the majority of my worries. I know I shouldn’t let my financial situation hinder on my experience, but lets not kid ourselves, it does have a significant impact on what I can and cannot see during my year of travels throughout Europe.

What are you going to do to not be the “typical” American student studying abroad?

BUT Stephanie remember this is STUDY abroad not travel/vacation abroad! Don’t you worry, I picked this program so that i’ll be able to maintain a proper balance between the two. I fully intend to immerse myself into the Belgian culture and learn as much as I can from the Belgian people/surroundings, but I don’t think i’ll ever again have this opportunity to easily travel throughout Europe and witness what the amazing continent has to offer.

Also, I will try my absolute hardest to not portray the “ugly” American stereotypes. That’s just not a good look, amiright?

What will you be doing during these next two months?

Besides over analyzing the year ahead of me, in these next two months I’ll be trying to make as much money as possible so that my year in Belgium is that much more less stressful. In addition, I’ll be slowly but surely preparing myself for August so that I’m not leaving it all to last minute. LOL.

*two months later* Its the night before I leave and I haven’t even started packing.

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